About Us
Aikido is a martial art, born in Japan. It combines the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of an art designed to protect you and the person attacking you.

Join Our Classes at the Brenda & Duncan YMCA!
Conveniently located on Clay Road, just off Beltway 8 and only 7 minutes from I-10, our classes offer a central and accessible location for everyone.

We have both a monthly rate and a drop in mat fee for those that would like to stop in and either try a class or are coming in from out of town and would just like to train.

Get Started Today
Aikido is Spiritual, It’s Mental and It’s Physical. Be perpared for vigorous movements to stay in shape. Be prepaerd for mental stimulation to keep us engaged. And, be prepared to let go and let the techniques work for you. If you have any questions just email or call.

Some numbers
Numbers are important. With over 1.5 million people doing Aikido around the world, it’s fun and easy to find a dojo in any city! We have 7 hours of lessons of Aikido per week between the dojos in Houston and Katy.
Erik Calderon has over 45 years of experience in the martial arts world.
There are more than 1.5 million Aikido practitioners around the world.
We currently have 7 hours of lessons held every week.
Benefits of Aikido
Aikido is an amazing martial arts with a lot of special benefits you will enjoy and be able to take advantage of when training at the Dojo.
So what are some of the benefits…well, you might never need to use a technique for self defense in your life, and hopefully that’s the case, but you will reap the effects of better health, a stronger body, a more responsive immune system, more energy during the day, a better ability to focus and better memory.
What my students
say about training
at the dojo

What is Aikido?Aikido is a Japanese martial art that uses your opponent’s energy or force against them as a form of self defense.Not only is Aikido a great way of getting your strength and cardiovascular training, but it also works to enhance your focus. It is an art form and demonstrates a philosophy of harmony and compassion.Our dojo has a unique open class concept that allows children and adults of all experience levels to train together during the first hour. During that hour, training focuses on specific strength and flexibility exercises, as well as challenging techniques. The second hour is more collaborative and fast-paced for intermediate and advanced students wishing to get practice on a variety of different aikido techniques.We have a great community of families, couples, siblings, and friends that come out every weekend to practice Aikido together! We hold special events in the Houston area, and take part in the Japanese Festival every year.Come out and try a class to see if Aikido is for you!